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Hi, I would like to ask you if you can design training clothes for a group in Cyprus. We have 9 girls in different ages. How can I take the measurements and how much it will cost us. Thank you!!!

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Dear Chryso,

Thank you for your query! Designers of our company would be glad to design the set of training clothes for your girls. The price for the in sketch  is $20. Sketch drawing takes 3 days. Please send all your requrements and preferences to a new design at [email protected]

Check our on-line tutorial with the pictures and video "How to take measurements" - /tips/how-to-take-measurements-for-women

Looking forward to hear from you soon. 


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Quality of Our RG Leotards
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All stitching is performed on industrial machinery. Triple quality control

Body measurements for a perfect fit are easy to make using our video guide